
Mental Health & Psychiatry located in The Woodlands, TX

Depression services offered in The Woodlands, TX

If you or a loved one is experiencing persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyable activities, you may benefit from depression care. Will Lambert, PMHNP, FNP, and the experienced providers at Optimus Health and Wellness offer exceptional depression treatments to patients aged 12 and older. The practice offers in-person and telehealth appointments to the community in The Woodlands, Texas, and telehealth care to patients in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Vermont, Maine, and Maryland. Whether you’re interested in therapy, medication, or helpful self-management tools, call the friendly staff today or schedule a consultation online.

Depression Q&A

What is depression?

Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a chronic psychiatric disorder that involves overwhelming sadness lasting for at least two weeks. Depression can affect you at any age and may come in cycles throughout your lifetime — improving but then returning. 

For women, changes in hormone levels during puberty, pregnancy, after giving birth, after experiencing a miscarriage, or menopause may cause a higher risk of depression.

What are the symptoms of depression? 

For adolescents and adults, mental and physical symptoms of depression include: 

  • Chronic sadness or hopelessness 
  • Anxiety 
  • Feelings of guilt or self-blame 
  • Inability to concentrate 
  • Changes in sleeping patterns 
  • Lack of motivation 
  • Isolation 
  • Avoiding personal grooming
  • Loss of sex drive 
  • Changes in weight
  • Unexplained fatigue or muscle aches 
  • Suicidal ideations (which require emergency care) 

Adolescents may exhibit complaints like stomach aches and headaches and be consistently irritated or bored. They may also withdraw from social situations or struggle in school. 

What depression treatments do you offer?

Fortunately, 80-90% of people with depression find relief after seeking treatment. Your provider at Optimus Health and Wellness performs a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms and concerns before collaborating with you on a treatment plan. 

The practice offers excellent medical care, and if your provider suspects an underlying condition is contributing to your depression symptoms, they may have you undergo blood tests. 


Antidepressants work by improving how your brain produces and utilizes the chemicals that affect your mood and stress levels. Popular options are Zoloft®, Lexapro®, Desyrel®, and Oleptro

The practice partners with GeneSight®, a company that offers testing for gene-drug interactions. This helps your provider understand how your body reacts to certain medications and find the medication that best improves your depression.


Also known as talk therapy or counseling, psychotherapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) help you or your loved one create healthy behavior and thought patterns. They equip you with tools to improve day-to-day symptoms. 

For treatment-resistant depression in adults, brain stimulation therapies like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are innovative, effective options. Your provider discusses the benefits and risks of these therapies before proceeding.

Your provider may also recommend self-management tools like local support groups, improved nutrition, yoga, meditation, and journaling. 

For compassionate and communicative depression care, call Optimus Health and Wellness today or use the online scheduling tool.