Sleep Disorders

Mental Health & Psychiatry located in The Woodlands, TX
Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders services offered in The Woodlands, TX

Over one-third of adults in the United States aren’t getting sufficient sleep to meet their bodies’ needs on a regular basis. If a sleep disorder is the cause of your chronic sleep deprivation, Will Lambert, PMHNP, FNP, and the expert providers at Optimus Health and Wellness are here to help. The practice offers advanced sleep disorder treatments to help combat insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness to restore your quality of life. In-person and telehealth appointments are available in The Woodlands, Texas, and telehealth care to patients in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Vermont, Maine, and Maryland.

Sleep Disorders Q&A

What are sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders are disruptions in regular sleep patterns that can adversely affect your daily life and mental well-being. They often coexist with underlying psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety or depression, creating a complex relationship between sleep and mental health. If your mental health is suffering, it could be hard to sleep – in turn, if your sleep is suffering, your mental health may be impacted. There are several types of sleep disorders, including: 


Persistent difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing non-restorative sleep. It is often associated with conditions such as anxiety, depression, or stress.


Excessive daytime sleepiness, prolonged nighttime sleep, or episodes of daytime napping. Conditions like depression or certain psychiatric medications can contribute to hypersomnia.

Sleep-related anxiety disorders

Conditions where anxiety significantly impacts sleep, leading to difficulties initiating or maintaining sleep.


Abnormal behaviors during sleep, such as sleepwalking, night terrors, or nightmares. These can be associated with anxiety or trauma-related disorders.

Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders

Disruptions in the natural sleep-wake cycle are often seen in conditions like bipolar disorder or delayed sleep phase syndrome.

How are sleep disorders diagnosed?

Diagnosing sleep disorders involves a thorough assessment of sleep patterns, daily routines, and any associated mental health concerns. Will employs a comprehensive approach, utilizing clinical interviews and, if necessary, collaborating with sleep specialists. Additionally, sleep diaries or monitoring devices may be recommended to gather valuable insights into your sleep behavior.

Can sleep disorders be treated?

Yes, the good news is that sleep disorders are treatable. Will employs several evidence-based approaches, including:

Personalized Treatment Plans

Crafting individualized treatment plans tailored to address both the sleep disorder and any underlying psychiatric conditions. This may involve psychotherapy, lifestyle modifications, and, if appropriate, medications.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

Implementing CBT-I, a proven therapeutic approach to modify thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to insomnia, promoting healthier sleep habits.

Collaborative Care

Working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, such as sleep specialists and primary care physicians, to ensure a holistic and effective treatment strategy.

At Optimus Health and Wellness, the team’s commitment is to guide you toward restful nights and improved mental well-being. Don’t let poor sleep ruin your quality of life when support is available. Call Optimus Health and Wellness today or schedule a consultation online.